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Marshall Faculty Publications, Awards, and Honors: April 2023

Marshall Faculty Publications, Awards, and Honors: April 2023

We are proud to highlight the amazing Marshall faculty who have received awards this month for their groundbreaking work!


Data Sciences & Operations

PAROMITA DUBEY received a National Science Foundation grant for her proposal titled “Geometry Aware Exploratory Data Analysis and Inference Methods for Complex Data.”

NAN JIA'S paper, WHEN AND HOW ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AUGMENTS EMPLOYEE CREATIVITY, is forthcoming in the Academy of Management Journal.

MOHAMMAD MEHRABI (PhD Candidate) was given the CAMS Prize Honorable Mention by the Center for Applied Mathematical Sciences at USC.

PAAT RUSMEVICHIENTON was awarded the 2023 USC Mentoring Award for Faculty Mentoring Faculty, Postdoctoral Scholars, Medical Residents, and Fellows.

Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies

ABBY FIFER MANDELL was awarded the 2023 USC Mentoring Award for Faculty Mentoring Undergraduate Students.

Finance and Business Economics

MARCO GIACOLETTI and CHRIS PARSONS have research accepted into The Review of Financial Studies.

Leventhal School of Accounting

K.R. SUBRAMANYAM was awarded the 2023 USC Award for Faculty Mentoring Graduate Students.


KRISTIN DIEHL and DAVIDE PROSERPIO have NEW PUBLISHED RESEARCH in the Journal of Marketing Research on why visual content increases review helpfulness.

STEPHANIE TULLY'S research, "A Cooperative-Competitive Perspective of Ownership Necessitates an Understanding of Ownership Disputes," was accepted for publication by Brain and Behavioral Sciences.