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Management + Organization PhD Program

Management + Organization PhD Program

MOR research includes the study of human behavior in organizational settings, the design of organizational structures and the relationship of organizations to their environments. MOR research draws on the basic disciplines of psychology, sociology and economics to investigate research questions in three general areas: organizational behavior, organizational theory and strategic management.

Management + Organization PhD Program



Research topics include the study of groups and individuals and how they affect and are affected by the organization; the effects of organizational structure and environmental demands on behavior; the study of strategic and organizational change; and corporate boards and top management teams.

Community Learning

The MOR Ph.D. program is based on the belief that preparing for a career in academia involves considerable participation, interaction and responsibility. You will:

  • Interact with faculty frequently and intensely, developing your knowledge and research skills and eventually getting published in top academic journals.
  • Hone your teaching skills through faculty instruction and as a teaching assistant (possibly teaching your own course). Be actively involved in our distinguished speaker series, brown-bag sessions and special-topic groups.

MOR Faculty

Our faculty members and doctoral students publish in the most selective and prestigious top-tier journals, including:

  • Academy of Management Journal
  • Academy of Management Review
  • Administrative Science Quarterly
  • American Journal of Sociology
  • American Sociological Review
  • Harvard Business Review
  • Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
  • Management Science
  • Organization Science
  • Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
  • Sloan Management Review
  • Strategic management Journal

In addition, the Center for Effective Organizations, headed by Professor Ed Lawler, is one of the world’s leading institutes for applied management research.


Program Culture

The culture of the program is research focused, collegial, supportive, and highly interactive. PhD students are “junior colleagues” encouraged to participate in academic research with faculty from the very beginning. The low PhD student/faculty ratio coupled with the faculty’s “open door” policy promotes frequent and meaningful interactions between faculty and students about research, careers and teaching. Students also serve as colleagues and mentors to each other and often develop papers together.

Students are matched with a primary advisor based on their interests and those of their advisors. Students may change primary advisors at any point during the program. We encourage students to work with at least two faculty members aside from their primary advisor.

Research Environment
Faculty and students attend weekly scholarly presentations from invited faculty from around the world. In addition internal brown bag seminars and reading groups allow students and faculty to exchange ideas and receive feedback on research topics.

Student Background
Our students come from all of over the world. They have strong academic backgrounds and bring with them a variety of experiences prior to joining the program.

Ph.D. students in the Management and Organization department have contributed to the field by publishing in leading journals. They have also won numerous awards.

Recent Placements (2020 - 2024)

Our PhD graduates contribute to marketing research and practice throughout the world. We have a long history of mentoring PhD students who are on the faculty of top universities around the world.

  • Jinhong Lu (2024) Washington University in Saint Louis
  • Enlan Wang (2024) University of Missouri
  • Bo Yang (2024) Hong Kong University
  • Merrick Osborne (2023) Postdoctoral Researcher, UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business
  • Maurice Murphy (2022) Assistant Professor, University of Georgia, Terry College of Business
  • Alyssa Han (2021) Independent Researcher
  • David Newman (2021) Google
  • Mindy Tuong (2021) Postdoctoral Researcher, Northwestern
  • Beverly Rich (2021) Assistant Professor, University of Utah
  • Jue Wang (2020) Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University



    December 15, 2024: Application Deadline - Accounting, Data Sciences & Operations, and Management & Organization* 

    January 15, 2025: Application Deadline - Finance & Business Economics and Marketing 

    The link to the PhD Program application is available on the Admissions page and the next opportunity to apply is for Fall 2025 admission. Late applications may or may not be considered at the discretion of the admissions committee. 

    Admissions decisions are made from mid-February to mid-April. You will be notified by email when a decision has been made.


    Ph.D. Program
    USC Marshall School of Business
    3670 Trousdale Parkway, BRI 306
    Los Angeles, California 90089-0809