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Trojan Network: Graduate Recruiting

  • Graduate Recruiting

    Graduate Recruiting

    Our mission is facilitating the interaction between employers and Marshall MBA and master's students seeking full-time and internship opportunities. We equip Marshall graduate candidates with the skills, knowledge and resources that inspire confidence to achieve career success. We build long-term relationships with employers to connect them with the talent needed to meet the challenges of today's marketplace.

    Graduate Career Services look forward to working with you to discuss ways that we can connect you with our MBA and Specialized Master's student talent seeking employment opportunities.

Relationship Managers

If you are interested in recruiting USC Marshall Graduate students, please contact one of our Relationship Managers based on your industry:


  • Our easy-to-use web portal extends your company’s presence across campus and beyond, allowing you to post jobs, identify the right candidates for your opportunities and set up interviews and on-campus recruiting events.


Contact Us

USC Marshall Graduate Career Services Center
630 Childs Way — JKP 310
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2633

Phone: 213-740-0156
Fax: 213-747-7263
Hours: Marshall Graduate Career Services Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:30am-6:00pm.