Marshall Teaching & Innovation is about the intersection of world-class teaching and learning with technology. With the world’s shift into utilizing technology more as an aid in collegiate instruction, engaging learners wherever they are has become a priority. Being able to operate and thrive in this new environment successfully is crucial to our students’ success. Marshall’s Teaching & Innovation team have the tools and the skills to work with our expert faculty to ensure that our professors can reach their students’ hearts and minds, whether it is in-person or through a computer screen.
We feel that learning is less about technology and more about engagement with the coursework and professors. Many Marshall courses consist of both asynchronous and synchronous course work. Asynchronous activities can include presentations, moderated discussion boards, case studies, simulations, educational games, self-assessment exercises, and other online instructional content that can be completed at each student’s convenience. Synchronous, scheduled activities can include live video class sessions, webinars, facilitated team meetings, one-on-one feedback sessions, and other real-time interactions. Professors are also available via regularly scheduled virtual office hours and email. The same is true with our residential courses as well as Marshall’s online degree programs.