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Marshall Faculty Publications, Awards, and Honors: February 2023

Marshall Faculty Publications, Awards, and Honors: February 2023


Data Sciences & Operations

TIANSHU SUN's “Ensembling Experiments to Optimize Customer Journey: A Reinforcement Learning Approach” (with Yicheng Song) was accepted for publication in Management Science and is forthcoming.

This article also won the Adobe Faculty Research Award in 2020 and the Marketing Science Institute Research Grant in 2021.

"Persuasion, Donor Heterogeneity, and Workload: The Impact of Charitable Workers on Donors’ Blood Donation Decisions" (with Wilson Lin and Susan Feng Lu) was accepted for publication in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management and is forthcoming.

Finance & Business Economics

NEHA BAIROLIYA has been named an associate editor for Economic Inquiry.

DAVID HIRSHLEIFER's "Social Transmission Bias and Investor Behavior" (with Han Bing and Johan Walden) has been selected as the winner of the Sharpe Award for the best paper published in the 2022 Volume of the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.

ERICA JIANG's “Financing Competitors: Shadow Banks' Funding and Mortgage Market Competition” has been accepted for publication in The Review of Financial Studies.

JOAO RAMOS“Income-Based Affirmative Action in College Admissions” (with Bernard Herskovic and Luiz Brotherhood) has been accepted for publication in The Economic Journal.

Leventhal School of Accounting

CLIVE LENNOX's "Gender Discrimination? Evidence From the Belgian Public Accounting Profession" (with Kris Hardies and Bing Li), published in Contemporary Accounting Research in 2021, was accepted into the HONOR ROLL OF RESPONSIBLE RESEARCH IN BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT.

The same article also received a top citation award from Wiley for the period 2020-21.

DAN O'LEARY was recently elected a Senior Member of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). AAAI is a computer science group focused on AI and is a force behind the primary AI meeting — AAAI (the equivalent of ICIS — the International Conference on Information Systems).

Management & Organization

JOE RAFFIEE has received the Ascendant Scholar Award from the Western Academy of Management that recognizes an early-career scholar whose work shows great potential to impact the field.


NORBERT SCHWARZ will receive the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award of the Attitudes and Social Influence interest section of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology at its conference in Atlanta later this month.

GERRY TELLISLockdown Without Loss? A Natural Experiment of Net Payoffs to COVID Lockdowns” (with Ashish Sood, Sajeev Nair, and Nitish Sood) has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing and is forthcoming.