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Marshall Faculty Publications, Awards, and Honors: July 2023 

Marshall Faculty Publications, Awards, and Honors: July 2023 

We are proud to highlight the amazing Marshall faculty who have received awards this month for their groundbreaking work.


Data Sciences & Operations

JACOB BIEN has been awarded the Award in Innovation in Statistical Programming and Analytics by the ASA's Statistical Programmers and Analysts Section.

YINGYING FAN received a three-year NSF Grant for "High-Dimensional Random Forests Learning, Inference, and Beyond” from the National Science Foundation.

JINCHI LV received a three-year NSF grant proposal for "New Theory and Methods for High-Dimensional Multi-Task and Transfer Learning Inference" from the National Science Foundation.

GOURAB MUKHERJEEhas been invited to join the Statistica Sinica editorial board as an associate editor.

SOMYA SINGHVI won the M&SOM Practice-Based Research Competition for “Improving Farmers’ Income on Online Agri-platforms: Evidence from the Field.”

Finance and Business Economics

ODILON CAMARA had a paper accepted at Management Science on organizing data analytics.

TOM CHANG’S paper on COVID-19 booster uptake has been accepted for publication by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

MARK GRIFFITHS has a paper forthcoming on analyzing loan loss allowances accepted in the Journal of Economics and Business.

RODNEY RAMCHARAN’S paper, “The pass-through of uncertainty shocks to households," took second place for the best paper in asset pricing and related fields by the Journal of Financial Economics.

Management and Organization

PAUL ADLER’S paper on bureaucratic organizations was chosen as the winner of the 2022 Academy of Management Annals Best Paper.

MAYA CRATSLEY and NATHANAEL FAST have research accepted to the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction on inventor’s bias.

DANIEL FEHDER’S paper, “Coming from a Good Pond: The Organizational Consequences of a New Venture’s Founding Ecosystem,” has been accepted by the American Society for Quality.

PETER KIM received the 2023 Award for Responsible Research in Management from the Responsible Research in Business & Management and the Academy of Management Fellows for his book “How trust works: The science of how relationships are built, broken, and repaired.”


STEPHANIE TULLY has new research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology on scarcity and choice.