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Marshall Faculty Publications, Awards, and Honors: August 2023

Marshall Faculty Publications, Awards, and Honors: August 2023

We are proud to highlight the amazing Marshall faculty who have received awards this month for their groundbreaking work.


Business Communication

PETER CARDON has an article on Communication Apprehension Among Autistic Professionals published in Business and Professional Communication Quarterly.

PETER CARDON and JOLANTA ARITZ have a paper on recorded meeting policies in Business Horizons.

MARION PHILADELPHIA’S article “Strengthening the Organization from the Inside Out: Identifying Workplace Problems to Build and Sustain Employee Motivation” was published in the book New Leadership Communication—Inspire Your Horizon.

Data Sciences & Operations

ANDREW DAW was awarded a grant to support student travel to the IFIP conference in November.

YINGYING FAN gave the Medallion Award Lecture in Toronto for the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.

CHRIS GOPAL testified before Congress at the United States - China Economic and Security Review Commission.

ADEL JAVANMARD has research accepted to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society that considers the fundamental problem of assessing the goodness-of-fit for a general binary classifier.

MLADEN KOLAR, along with coauthors, has a paper accepted by the Journal of American Statistical Association (JASA) on Latent Multimodal Functional Graphical Model Estimation.

LORENA MARTIN was given a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute award for her research, "Assessment of environment and the 24-hour activity cycle in Hispanic/Latina women through GIS and machine learning techniques.

Finance & Business Economics

METE KILIC has a paper forthcoming in the Journal of Monetary Economicson the appeal of variance for investors.

JOAO RAMOS has research forthcoming in the American Economic Review, “A Road to Efficiency through Communication and Commitment.”

Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies

KATRINA BROWNELL was awarded the Academy of Management’s NFIB Dissertation Award for Outstanding Research in the Fields of Entrepreneurship and Independent Business.

JILL KICKUL and MARK GRIFFITHS (FBE) have a paper forthcoming in the Journal of Business Venturing Insightson journal reputation and perceived quality and impact of published research.

Leventhal School of Accounting

TRACIE MAJORS had a paper “How does depletion interact with auditors’ skeptical dispositions to affect auditors’ challenging of managers in negotiations?” accepted for publication in Contemporary Accounting Research.

DAN O’LEARY received the AICPA's Mark Chain/Deloitte Innovation in Graduate Teaching Award for his “Innovation Lab” course.

TJ WONG had a paper on transparency accepted by the Journal of Accounting and Economics


Gizem Ceylon PhD '22, KRISTIN DIEHL, and WENDY WOOD had their research on using visual content to incentivize consumers published in the Journal of Marketing and featured by the American Marketing Association.

SHA YANG has a paper forthcoming in Management Science on the impact of reviews on consumer choice.