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Summer Classes in Business

Summer Classes in Business

USC opens its summer school offerings, including courses on entrepreneurship and business from the Marshall School.


high school students studying_stock artFor many high school students, the first taste of college life might only come when they take a college campus tour.

But high schoolers who enroll in USC’s Summer Programs get a richer experience: not only the chance to take a college level course, but also earn transferrable college elective credits.

The four-week programs, which began in 1997, offer hundreds of high school students from around the country and the world their choice of enticing topics, from business, engineering, global studies, architecture, performing arts, writing, and science.

The programs went virtual in the summer of 2020 and will continue virtually this summer. But despite not being on campus physically, students continue to learn during class and make new connections outside of class by participating in virtual yoga, kickboxing, trivia nights, and even a DJ dance party. Additionally, the Summer Programs staff will offer participants the chance to hear from USC Admissions, Career Center, and student panels for a real taste of the USC experience.

And it’s no surprise that the two courses Marshall offers are popular—so popular that they usually fill up early.

Associate Professor of Clinical Entrepreneurship Tommy Knapp teaches Exploring Entrepreneurship, where students get to hear from local entrepreneurs as well as participate in virtual field trips. Knapp said, “It is a fantastic early immersion of what it means to be a Trojan. The energy and passion these high school students bring to class is contagious.”

The courses inspire young students to think bigger. One of Knapp’s former Summer Programs students, Lexi Brooks, is now a student at Marshall herself, and has launched her own nonprofit startup. Several other Summer Programs students have made the decision to join USC and Marshall after their own experience.

Albert Napoli, senior lecturer of clinical entrepreneurship, teaches Introduction to Business, one of the most popular courses. This summer, Napoli will give high schoolers an introduction to the various business functions—operations, marketing, finance, etc.—and how they work together to keep business humming.

No matter which topic students ultimately choose, they will be learning from some of USC’s best instructors in courses designed just for them. Not a bad way to spend one’s summer.

USC Summer Programs begin June 14th. Interested high school students only have until May 7th to apply.