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Marina Mesin Zagar

  • Assistant Professor of Clinical Management and Organization
  • Global Sector Lead

Marina Mesin Zagar, Ph.D., is an Associate Director and Global Sector Lead, and manages corporate relationships across Financial Services, Real Estate, FinTech, and Venture Capital at the Graduate Career office, and is an Adjunct Professor at USC Marshall School of Business.

Prior to joining USC, she was an Assistant Professor at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics &Business where she taught strategy and corporate governance classes on the undergraduate and graduate level. She is a founding member of the Croatian Institute of Directors, where she served as the first female President.

Marina received her Ph.D. in Business Economics, emphasis in Strategic Management and Corporate Governance, MS in Strategy and Corporate Governance, and a BS in Management and Organization from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics & Business.

Marina Mesin Zagar


Management + Organization