- 2137401514
- kanec@marshall.usc.edu
Christy is the Head of USC Marshall’s Business & Accounting Libraries and an Assistant University Librarian with USC Libraries. She is responsible for oversight of daily operations for both libraries, provides in-person and virtual reference services for the Marshall and USC communities, develops and delivers instructional programs focused on advanced business resources, and manages collection development of the broad range of business databases that Marshall subscribes to in support of the school’s curriculum. She holds a BA in History from Cal State Dominguez Hills and an MLIS from San Jose State University.
Prior to USC, Christy spent 20 years in the research library of the Capital Group Companies, one of the world’s largest investment management organizations. She currently serves as President of the USC Libraries Faculty Council and is active within the Business Reference and Services Section of the American Library Association as well as ABLD, a consortium of academic business library directors. Her areas of research expertise include financial markets, companies, industries, consumers and the global economy.